3D map of jump roots in Lois McMaster Bujold Universe
This 3D map based on 2D map by Crystal Caroll and version by Dalton S. Spence
3D coordinates of Tau Ceti, Mu, Rho, Sigma and Eta Ceta are taken from Asronomycal catalogs ).
All other nexus nodes are also in real stars positions from catalog).
Map manipulation:
Scrollbars rotate map around center point
You can zoom map with "expanding scale" (left side of screen)
Right click on nexus node makes it the center of rotation/zooming
Left click on nexus node loads its description from Crystal Caroll's Galactic Travel Bureau

You need Java 1.1 compatibale browser to see the applet
True or High Color mode of display (32 or 16 bit mode) recomended.

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